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Georgia Estate Planning, Elder Law and Probate Blog and Videos

Articles and Videos With News and Thoughts on Issues in Georgia Regarding Wills, Living Trusts, Guardianship, Advance Directives, Living Wills, Healthcare Powers of Attorney, Probate, Estate Planning, Elder Law, Special Needs Planning, Guardianships and Conservatorships, and More by Marietta and Atlanta, Georgia, Estate Planning Lawyer Smith Barid LLC

Five Goals You Can Accomplish with an Estate Plan

Posted by Steve Worrall | Jan 22, 2022 | 0 Comments

Estate planning has five major purposes, one or more of which will surely apply to you. With a good estate plan you can: 1. Designate how your assets are to be distributed among beneficiaries after you die. 2. Avoid or minimize the delays and expense of probate. 3. Appoint a guardian for your minor children and a person to manage the children’s assets. 4. Provide for the possibility that you will become incapacitated and unable to manage your finances or make medical and other decisions for yourself. 5. Eliminate or minimize estate taxes.

Four Reasons for Avoiding Probate

Posted by Steve Worrall | Jan 22, 2022 | 0 Comments

Avoiding Probate. Probate, the court-supervised process of distributing your estate, can be time-consuming and expensive. You can minimize the assets that need to pass through probate or eliminate probate altogether by using certain devices such as: Revocable living trusts. Joint tenancie...

5 Reasons to Include a Trust in Your Estate Plan

Posted by Steve Worrall | Jan 22, 2022 | 0 Comments

A revocable living trust is a trust that you create to hold your property while you are alive and to distribute it among your beneficiaries on your death. The three main reasons for using a living trust (rather than a will) as the central feature of your estate plan are to (1) avoid probate, ...

Georgia Estate Plan - What is the Purpose of Probate?

Posted by Steve Worrall | Jan 22, 2022 | 0 Comments

WHAT IS PROBATE? Probate is the legal process for settling an estate after someone has died. It is also known as estate administration.The main purpose of probate is to provide inheritors of a deceased person's property with clear title to the property. During probate, the decedent's personal...

Who Can Make a Will?

Posted by Steve Worrall | Jan 21, 2022 | 0 Comments

Q: WHO CAN MAKE A WILL? A. Any individual can make a will so long as he or she is of legal age (in most states 18 years of age; in Georgia you can make a will at the age of 14)) and is mentally competent. In other words, a person needs to know and understand that he or she is executing a will and...
